Paper deals with modified design and analysis of the heat pumps that are used for heating purpose. Heat pumps are systems that draw heat from ambient air temperature and transfer it to domestically usage work. This operation is described by packing of copper tube in heat pump with polyethylene coting then after the cop of the existing heat pump is increasing this proved by a calculation comparison process in between existing to modified, in which ambient temperature is taken from one body to working medium and then from a working medium to the heated body. Heat changes keep in to the progressing is equal to the temperatures needed for flowing and compression of the working fluid heating losses was reduced by coating tubes this result will be reflected on performance of heat pump efficiency will increasing and also COP increasing up to 5% of useful heat.
Heating, Heat pumps, Temperature Control, Thermodynamics, Thermo mechanical Processes , condenser , evaporator, polyethylene.
IRE Journals:
M Chiranjeevi , S Kamalesh Rao , M Satyanarayana
"Design and Thermal Analysis of Existing Heat Pump" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 2 2021 Page 1-4
M Chiranjeevi , S Kamalesh Rao , M Satyanarayana
"Design and Thermal Analysis of Existing Heat Pump" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(2)