Determination Of the Effectiveness and Acid Neutralization Capacities (ANC) Of Some Commercial Antacid Tablets
  • Author(s): Ahmed Momoh Hassan
  • Paper ID: 1702876
  • Page: 335-344
  • Published Date: 30-07-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1 July-2021

This study involves the evaluation of the effectiveness and acid neutralizing capacities (ANC) of five different commercial brands of antacid tablets. Antacids are substances commonly used by patients to obtain fast symptomatic relief from unpleasant feeling such as pain or burning sensation in the stomach or chest that is caused by difficulty in digesting food (dyspepsia or acid-indigestion). They are weak bases which neutralizes excess stomach acid and consequently raises the pH of the gastric contents and thus relief pains and alleviate symptoms of heartburn. The ultimate goal of antacid therapy is to reduce the concentration of acid in gastric juice to a pH of 4-5. The potency of the antacids depends mainly on their acid neutralization capacity (ANC) and this can vary from one brand to another. Five different but widely used commercial antacid tablets were selected for the purpose of this study. Each of the sample tablet was purchased, crushed, weighed and kept at room temperature before being analyzed using titrimetric method (back titration). The volume of the excess acid neutralized by NaOH for each of the antacid solution were Gelusil (Danacid) (9.50 ml), Gestid (16.80 ml), Omeprazole (Krishat) (15.30 ml), Emtrisil (13.00 ml), Gascol (12.50 ml) and Cimetidine (18.00 ml). The order of the acid neutralization capacity (ANC) of the antacid tablets from highest to lowest potency are Gelusil (Danacid) (40.5mEq), Gascol (37.5mEq), Emtrisil (37.0mEq), Omeprazole (34.7mEq), Gestid (33.2mEq), and Cimetidine (32.0mEq). Gelusil was the most active antacid with the highest value for antacid neutralizing capacity (40.5), hence, consumed the lowest volume of NaOH for the back titration process (9.50ml). Comparatively, cimetidine was the least active antacid with the lowest ANC valuen (32.0), hence, consumed the highest volume of NaOH (18.0ml).


Antacids, Gastric juice, Acid neutralization capacity, Back titration.


IRE Journals:
Ahmed Momoh Hassan "Determination Of the Effectiveness and Acid Neutralization Capacities (ANC) Of Some Commercial Antacid Tablets" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 335-344

Ahmed Momoh Hassan "Determination Of the Effectiveness and Acid Neutralization Capacities (ANC) Of Some Commercial Antacid Tablets" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)