Cascaded H bridge 17 level inverter with PWM Technique
  • Author(s): Rohit Kumar Oberoy ; Dr Padmini Sharma
  • Paper ID: 1702872
  • Page: 291-298
  • Published Date: 29-07-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1 July-2021

A Multilevel inverter is a very important tool for PV Array and Electric Vehicle etc. in Modern ERA Because the non-renewable energy is important for our future. The non-renewable energy is reducing the pollution and carbon content in the environment and also reducing the fossil fuel requirement for transportation and producing electricity. The multilevel inverter can provide higher level of sinusoidal output with less total harmonic distortion with the help of pulse width modulation. Different type of Pulse width modulation like POD APOD etc. can be implemented. 17 level inverters with the use of Phase Opposition Disposition pulse width modulation (POD-PWM) technique with 16 carrier signals with cascaded inverter with 16 IGBT switches is proposed. All the carrier signals are above X-axis are out of phase with the below signal by 180?. Total harmonic distortion of load voltage is 7.26% and load current is 3.09% obtained. This inverter can be use with solar photo voltaic cell. By the use of this inverter the higher-level output and less harmonic distortion output obtained. By the use of this output the electrical equipment is in very safe condition.


Multilevel inverter, PWM, POD Total Harmonic distortion,


IRE Journals:
Rohit Kumar Oberoy , Dr Padmini Sharma "Cascaded H bridge 17 level inverter with PWM Technique" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 291-298

Rohit Kumar Oberoy , Dr Padmini Sharma "Cascaded H bridge 17 level inverter with PWM Technique" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)