Improvement of Electric Power Supply to a typical MTN Base Transceiver Station in Nigerian city
  • Author(s): Innocent S. Abam ; D.C. Idoniboyeobu ; S.L Braide ; B.J. Luckyn
  • Paper ID: 1702871
  • Page: 361-367
  • Published Date: 30-07-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1 July-2021

This study is focused on solving the problem of unreliable and inadequate power supply to reduce downtime, environmental pollution, operational and maintenance cost in our telecommunication industries. The aim of this study is to improved power supply to MTN Base Transceiver Station (BTS) site at T0188, Chinda Estate, Nkpolu, Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt. Using the relevant data collected from the Base Transceiver Station site, a simple algebraic and optimization methods were used to achieve the mathematical mode of the hybrid system. The results showed that the simulation executed for BTS site with a geographical location of (4'' .48.2°N,6^''.59.2° E). The daily energy consumption monitored and recorded is 480 kWh/day. The peak demand for site is approximately 20kW. The economic comparison of the existing system to the proposed hybrid system configuration shows that the proposed hybrid design can be deduced to obtain a level cost of energy at N76.92/kWh with a net present cost of N175,068,300.00. The application of hybrid optimization model for energy renewable (HOLMER PRO with version 3.11.2) Software for simulation is adopted. The determination of the telecommunication industries in developing countries such as Nigeria, is to achieve its connectivity demand and for such to happen the network operators, will depend on the utility grid for a reliable and stable power supply. However, due to inadequate and unreliable power supply from the national grid, the customers expresses poor quality network service. It is recommended that the introduction of hybrid system in our telecommunication industries will led to a reduction of Operational Expenditure (OPEX). An improved power availability will reduce the incident of environmental pollution such as noise pollution, diesel spillage, etc. Thereby, achieving a greener operation.


Power Supply, Base Transceiver Station (BTS), Maintenance cost


IRE Journals:
Innocent S. Abam , D.C. Idoniboyeobu , S.L Braide , B.J. Luckyn "Improvement of Electric Power Supply to a typical MTN Base Transceiver Station in Nigerian city" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 361-367

Innocent S. Abam , D.C. Idoniboyeobu , S.L Braide , B.J. Luckyn "Improvement of Electric Power Supply to a typical MTN Base Transceiver Station in Nigerian city" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)