Determination Of Elemental Composition And Trace Elements In Limestone Deposit In Ikpeshi, Edo State, Nigeria
  • Author(s): Umoru Titi Abdulasisi ; Sule Tunde Usman Nurudeen ; Sanni Eshovo Blessing ; Eguaoje Samuel Omokhefe; Osiyoku Dada Akanni ; Idis Gimba Nurudeen; Mahmud Hauwau
  • Paper ID: 1702870
  • Page: 323-328
  • Published Date: 30-07-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1 July-2021

The elemental composition and trace elements determination of limestone deposits in Ikpeshi, Edo State is done through qualitative analysis of the limestone, and it was aimed at determination of the major and trace elements present in the limestone from the study area. Five limestone samples were collected from the study area for qualitative analysis using X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The result shows that the major elemental composition of the limestone in the study area is Ca (90.59%), with Si (3.33%), Al (0.92%) and Mg (1.58%) and the minor elements are S (0.66%), Sn (0.53 %), Sb (0.52 %), K (0.49 %), P (0.37%) and Mo (0.29 %). The trace elements present in the limestone are V (0.0017 %), Mn (0.0015 %), Co (0.0033 %), Ni (0.0194 %), Cu (0.0151 %), Zn (0.03 %), As (0.0005 %), W (0.0131 %), Au (0.0178 %), Ag (0.0009 %), Rb (0.0031 %), Nb (0.0016 %). The chemical relationship for purity determination between Ca/Mg ratio in the limestone from the study area is 98.40, while the Mg/Ca ratio is 0.01 and this ratios falls into the pure limestone class which revealed that the limestone in the study area is a pure limestone.


Limestone, analysis, trace elements, determination, purity.


IRE Journals:
Umoru Titi Abdulasisi , Sule Tunde Usman Nurudeen , Sanni Eshovo Blessing , Eguaoje Samuel Omokhefe; Osiyoku Dada Akanni , Idis Gimba Nurudeen; Mahmud Hauwau "Determination Of Elemental Composition And Trace Elements In Limestone Deposit In Ikpeshi, Edo State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 323-328

Umoru Titi Abdulasisi , Sule Tunde Usman Nurudeen , Sanni Eshovo Blessing , Eguaoje Samuel Omokhefe; Osiyoku Dada Akanni , Idis Gimba Nurudeen; Mahmud Hauwau "Determination Of Elemental Composition And Trace Elements In Limestone Deposit In Ikpeshi, Edo State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)