Chatbot using AWS
  • Author(s): Ilaya Bharathi M ; Gowtham S ; Harish R ; Biji Rose
  • Paper ID: 1702863
  • Page: 264-268
  • Published Date: 24-07-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1 July-2021

This E-Booking with chat bot project is an Artificial Intelligence based web application designed to aid the car rental company to enable renting of cars. It has a user-friendly interface which helps the user to communicate with our bot and rent them for specific period. Communication can be done by chatting or by means of speaking. The ability of a bot to understand human language as it is spoken was done with NLP(Natural Language Processing).The categories of rental cars will be provided while speaking with our bot. Based on the type of car required by the customer, the user shall be able to make bookings. The bot shall also check for the availability of the car and rent the car to the customer. This bot shall ask the user about some important information such as date and time of journey, type of car etc. Also, it will need an identification number. Using these details, the tool shall help the customer to book a car for the journey. It can also keep the information of number of bookings in current month or in last 6 month or in last year. This helps them to track company business and their earning in any month or in any year. Based on this information they can take decision regarding their business development. It also provides another feature that the admin can manually chat with their customers in case of any technical difficulties. It also acts as a bridge for both customers and the company. It saves both time and labor. The main advantage is that the user shall be able to choose a car depending on his budget.


IRE Journals:
Ilaya Bharathi M , Gowtham S , Harish R , Biji Rose "Chatbot using AWS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 264-268

Ilaya Bharathi M , Gowtham S , Harish R , Biji Rose "Chatbot using AWS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)