On (N+K)- power- D-Operator
  • Author(s): Wanjala Victor ; A. M. Nyongesa
  • Paper ID: 1702856
  • Page: 165-167
  • Published Date: 30-09-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 3 September-2021

In this paper, we introduce the class of (n+k, mBQ) operators acting on a complex Hilbert space H. An operator if T ? B(H) is said to belong to class (n+k, mBQ) if T ?2mT 2(n+k) commutes with (T ?mTn+k)2 equivalently [T ?2mT 2(n+k), (T ?mTn+k )2] = 0, for a positive integers n and m. We investigate algebraic properties that this class enjoys. have. We analyze the relation of this class to (n+k, m)-power class (Q) operators.


Normal operators, D-Operator, Almost Class (Q), quasi -class (Q) operators, N quasi D-operator.


IRE Journals:
Wanjala Victor , A. M. Nyongesa "On (N+K)- power- D-Operator" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 3 2021 Page 165-167

Wanjala Victor , A. M. Nyongesa "On (N+K)- power- D-Operator" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(3)