Electromagnetic Braking System
  • Author(s): Asude Sandeep Ramrao ; Mandar Anant Dhobale
  • Paper ID: 1702822
  • Page: 97-100
  • Published Date: 09-07-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1 July-2021

In this paper we had develop the electromagnetic braking system. Braking System should ensure the safety and comfort of the passenger, driver and other road user. The brake must be strong enough to stop the vehicle during emergency within shortest distance. The conventional braking system is bulky and power to weight ratio is low. Electromagnetic braking system is high-tech braking system find its use in small & heavy vehicle like car, jeep, truck, busses etc. This paper represent about minimizing the brake failure in order to avoid the accident. It also reduces the upkeep of braking system. The effectiveness of brake should remain constant. The proper cooling of brake gives anti fade character and efficient operation of brake. Proper lubrication and maintenance must be done to operate brake safe, effective and progressive with minimum fatigue to driver. This system provides better response time for emergency situations and in general keeps the friction brake working longer and safer.


Brake, Electromagnetism, Brake power, Torque


IRE Journals:
Asude Sandeep Ramrao , Mandar Anant Dhobale "Electromagnetic Braking System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 97-100

Asude Sandeep Ramrao , Mandar Anant Dhobale "Electromagnetic Braking System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)