The main challenge faced by upcoming wireless communications systems is to provide high-data-rate wireless access at high quality of service (QOS). Multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) wireless technology achieves these demands by increasing the bandwidth efficiency through spatial multiplexing gain by improving link reliability due to diversity gain of antenna. Antenna arrays may be integrated with OFDM at the transmitter and receiver to increase Spectral efficiency and enhance robustness using multipath signal propagation, which results in a MIMO-OFDM configuration. The power leaving algorithms along with forward error correction (FEC) plays an important role in the performance improvement of the MIMO-OFDM systems. In this paper a simple MIMO OFDM system with convolutional coding is designed and performance of the system is analyzed using different antenna configuration in AWGN channel. It was concluded that higher antenna configuration gives the best performance.
BER, FEC, MIMO, OFDM, QOS, high data rate, link reliability.
IRE Journals:
B Jahnavi , B Sai Deepthi , G Hamsa Lekha , D Thriveni , R. Tejaswini
"Improving the Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM System Using Different Antenna Configurations" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 188-194
B Jahnavi , B Sai Deepthi , G Hamsa Lekha , D Thriveni , R. Tejaswini
"Improving the Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM System Using Different Antenna Configurations" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)