A Static Structural, Modal and Thermal Analysis of a Cyclic Symmetry of a Rotor - Brake Assembly
  • Author(s): C. Nagaraja ; M. Govardhan Gopi ; S. Vishnu Bharadwaja Reddy ; S. Zaheer Ahammad; S. Irfan Ahamed ; O. Sharief; K. Maddileti Reddy
  • Paper ID: 1702817
  • Page: 68-78
  • Published Date: 08-07-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 1 July-2021

The brake is an instrument that prevents movements. The opposite part of this device is a clutch. Many brakes utilize friction to transfer kinetic energy into heat energy. The procedure to transfer kinetic into potential energy is saved in the form of pressurized air or oil. Therefore, braking procedures convert kinetic energy into many forms. Brakes are mainly used to move axles or wheels and yet include many forms like the moving fluid surface. The vehicles employ braking mechanisms like Formula racing cars with the help of wheel brakes, flights, parachute, and helicopter and drag flaps .Automobiles friction brakes save braking heat in disc brake during braking and carry to the air slowly. The brakes prevent the slowing down of the vehicle within the smallest distance in the emergency situation. When moving down a hill, they manage the vehicle to absorb. The braking torques brakes the drums which spend large amount of heat without increase in temperature. There are three kinds of braking system. They are Mechanical Braking System, Engine Braking, and Exhaust Braking.


Analysis on Steady State Transient Thermal, Ansys-19.2 Software, A Nonlinear Static Structural and Behavior Modal Analysis of a Rotor Brake Assembly.


IRE Journals:
C. Nagaraja , M. Govardhan Gopi , S. Vishnu Bharadwaja Reddy , S. Zaheer Ahammad; S. Irfan Ahamed , O. Sharief; K. Maddileti Reddy "A Static Structural, Modal and Thermal Analysis of a Cyclic Symmetry of a Rotor - Brake Assembly" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 68-78

C. Nagaraja , M. Govardhan Gopi , S. Vishnu Bharadwaja Reddy , S. Zaheer Ahammad; S. Irfan Ahamed , O. Sharief; K. Maddileti Reddy "A Static Structural, Modal and Thermal Analysis of a Cyclic Symmetry of a Rotor - Brake Assembly" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)