In this paper wind turbine blade prototype is analyzed using finite element analysis (ANSYS) for various loading conditions at survival speed and cut of speed. Wind turbine blade undergoes variable static and dynamic during its actual life cycle. Modern wind turbine blades are designed to withstand various dynamic loading conditions. A wind turbine blade undergoes failure in combination of flap wise and edge wise. For optimum design of wind turbine blades, there should be proper selection of materials for turbine blades. Wind turbine blades are manufactured by using composite materials such as epoxy resin, and various other carbon fiber reinforced plastics.
IRE Journals:
B. Sri Hari , C. Nagaraja , R. Mahesh
"Design and Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 50-52
B. Sri Hari , C. Nagaraja , R. Mahesh
"Design and Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)