The 21st century has witnessed an unprecedented level of global urbanization which has led to new and complex security issues for both developed and developing regions of the world. This study examines Urbanization and Urban Security in Awka, Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects. It also considers regional security, in awka and the dimensions of urbanization. The study used a survey research design, a sample size of 300, and a structured questionnaire as an instrument for data collection. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 300 households from a total population of 301,657 in Awka, Anambra State. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentages. Results showed that there is rapid expansion of cities due to the movement of people from rural area to urban areas in search of greener pastures. Issues like high pressure on limited resources, such as water, housing and energy, cost of living have resulted in increased levels of pollution and environmental degradation. In addition, urbanization in Awka has led to increased levels of crime and social unrest. The study therefore, recommended that basic human needs should be provided by the Anambra state Government in order to help reduce rural to urban migration thereby mitigating the negative social effect of urbanization.
Urbanization, urban security, Environmental degradation, Urban areas, Urban governance.
IRE Journals:
Abaekih Charles Emeka , Prof. Chinedu Okoye , Abaekih Ifeyinwa Stella
"Urbanization and Urban Security in Awka, Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 11 2021 Page 266-272
Abaekih Charles Emeka , Prof. Chinedu Okoye , Abaekih Ifeyinwa Stella
"Urbanization and Urban Security in Awka, Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(11)