Population Dynamics to Urban Spaces Needs in One of Africa’s Largest Cities: Abuja, the Federal Capital City of Nigeria
  • Author(s): Oyetunji Adewale Bashir ; Andrew Reigns ; Ogar Paschal Unimke ; Simon Stephen Mshelia
  • Paper ID: 1702675
  • Page: 124-130
  • Published Date: 26-04-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 10 April-2021

This study examined the population dynamics to urban spaces needs in one of Africa’s biggest cities, Abuja the Federal Capital City of Nigeria. It analyzed urban spaces in the city and examined the pull factors into the city center, in order to replicate functionality in surrounding environment and satellite towns instead of concentrating activities at the center. Materials and methods include primary data got from physical measurement technique, personal observations and physical trace while secondary data were obtained from National Population Commission, Federal Capital Development Authority, Journals and documents from the internet. Data collection and data analysis techniques used for this study includes; remote sensing imagery, geographic information system software, pictures, percentage statistics, frequency statistics and descriptive statistics. Results revealed that the Federal Capital Territory’s (FCT) projective population growth overtime has increased more than its estimated target in the Abuja Municipal Area Council, with the implication of possible future crisis on social, economic, human and environmental development.. Statistical analysis reveals that about 55% of population activities takes place within the Municipal area, while observations shows that the Capital City witness continuous pressure on transport route leading into the Capital from Karu, Airport and Kubwa axis; causing productive hours spent on the road and exposed commuters to criminals’ nefarious activities during the traffic gridlocks andstress on transport infrastructure. It is on these bases that the study recommends that development planners and city administrators should create alternative land-use model for the remaining Area Councils within the FCT, embark on strategic re-location of part of defense and agricultural ministries and other agencies to more spacious environment, making other Area Councils perform more functional features to growth and development and a creation of standard database that will accommodate the various complex data, such as population, migrants’ data, housing data as well as socio-economic indices of the people that will aid the functionalities of the FCT.


Sustainable development, population dynamics, infrastructure, city model


IRE Journals:
Oyetunji Adewale Bashir , Andrew Reigns , Ogar Paschal Unimke , Simon Stephen Mshelia "Population Dynamics to Urban Spaces Needs in One of Africa’s Largest Cities: Abuja, the Federal Capital City of Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 10 2021 Page 124-130

Oyetunji Adewale Bashir , Andrew Reigns , Ogar Paschal Unimke , Simon Stephen Mshelia "Population Dynamics to Urban Spaces Needs in One of Africa’s Largest Cities: Abuja, the Federal Capital City of Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(10)