Electromagnetic Shielding Textiles: Theory, Principles, Productions
  • Author(s): Kandasaamy P V ; Rameshkumar M
  • Paper ID: 1702670
  • Page: 84-92
  • Published Date: 21-04-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 10 April-2021

In the modern world, the electronic gadgets have become integral part of human lives at all levels of the society. Though they give the comfort and larger benefits to us, they also come with some negative effects which are sometimes dangerous to our lives. Those gadgets which are working on electromagnetic principles like large sized motors, traction, power transmission etc produces a lot of electromagnetic waves. Modern day communication devices like mobile phones, radios and micro wave gadgets are emitting the waves with varying frequency ranges. They have a greater impact on the working of other nearby electronic gadgets which may fail because of it. Medical implants like pace makers , artificial bio pumps and crucial bio medical equipments can also be affected by these Electro Magnetic Interference(EMI). EMI also affects our brain and nervous system. Other living creatures like small birds are also the victims of EMI. Hence, shielding of EMI has become inevitable in some environments. Textiles can be made as a protective layer. In this paper, the theory of Electromagnetic shielding, various principles involved and production techniques of electromagnetic shielded textiles are discussed.


IRE Journals:
Kandasaamy P V , Rameshkumar M "Electromagnetic Shielding Textiles: Theory, Principles, Productions" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 10 2021 Page 84-92

Kandasaamy P V , Rameshkumar M "Electromagnetic Shielding Textiles: Theory, Principles, Productions" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(10)