Detailed Survey on Tensile and Static Puncture Strength of Non-Woven Fabrics
  • Author(s): V. Ilango
  • Paper ID: 1702606
  • Page: 106-110
  • Published Date: 15-02-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 6 December-2017

Non-woven fabrics are made by different methods such as adhesive bonded, needle punching, spun bonded, hydro entangle process, thermal bonding and stitch bonding. The use of needle punched non-woven fabrics has surged these years as they are extensively used in technical textiles. Also the versatility of the needle punching process lies in the fact that it is the most suitable technique for producing fabrics from unspinnable fibres. Many publications and books contain valuable information on non-woven fabrics. Initially, polyester, viscose, polypropylene used, but later, jute, coir, sisal, banana and flax were used. The non-woven fabrics are successfully used in many technical applications rather than woven and knitted fabrics due to their simple production stages high efficiency of production, lower cost and disposability. In this paper, the detailed survey of tensile and static puncture strength of non-woven fabric has given.


Non-woven fabrics, tensile and static puncture strength


IRE Journals:
V. Ilango "Detailed Survey on Tensile and Static Puncture Strength of Non-Woven Fabrics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 6 2017 Page 106-110

V. Ilango "Detailed Survey on Tensile and Static Puncture Strength of Non-Woven Fabrics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(6)