Mergers and Acquisitions in India and Its Impact on Shareholders Wealth
  • Author(s): Prateek Pathak ; Dr. Navita Nathani
  • Paper ID: 1702599
  • Page: 33-40
  • Published Date: 16-02-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 8 February-2021

Merger and Acquisition is the most effective ways to accelerate the growth implementation plan of companies. All industries have been using M&A as an aggressive strategy for growth. Merger and acquisition in is not a new concept and burst in M&A has given further space to companies to look for integration for their growth, market coverage or any other strategic requirement. The present research paper aims at studying the impact of mergers and acquisition on the financial performance of corporate sector in India. (On acquiring companies) For the purpose of analysis list of data of 6 companies has been considered from period 2012- 2017. The result suggested that there is no significant change on the financial performance of corporate sector in India after merger.


Mergers, Acquisitions, Financial ratios, Post-Merger


IRE Journals:
Prateek Pathak , Dr. Navita Nathani "Mergers and Acquisitions in India and Its Impact on Shareholders Wealth" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 8 2021 Page 33-40

Prateek Pathak , Dr. Navita Nathani "Mergers and Acquisitions in India and Its Impact on Shareholders Wealth" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(8)