An Evaluation of Compensation Processes on Compulsorily Acquired Lands for Infrastructural Facilities in South East Nigeria
  • Author(s): Obineme,Chinaza Henry ; Udobi, Alexander Nnamdi ; Ifediora, Christian Osita
  • Paper ID: 1702597
  • Page: 23-32
  • Published Date: 13-02-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 8 February-2021

Compensation award for compulsorily acquired assets is to ensure equity that is the claimants (affected persons) are neither worse off nor better off than before the acquisition. The study was kick-started because of the increase in resistance by claimants. Questionnaire, interview instruments, document analysis and mostly from the use of questionnaires designed using Google forms were adopted. One hundred and twenty two (122) Estate Surveyors and Valuers in addition to one hundred and eighty (180) property owners (claimants) all in South East Nigeria were sampled. Data obtained were analysed with the use of the following statistical tools: Relative Importance Indices (RII), Mean, Frequency and Percentage Distribution. Findings indicate that compensation delayed ranked first (RII = 5.00). This is followed by Lack of resettlement plan (RII = 4.96). And followed by compensation award insufficient to replace assets (RII = 4.57). Then, followed by demand of building plan as a criteria for payment (RII = 3.67) and others which triggers resistance by the claimants. The study recommends that best practices be adapted and effectively implemented, affected property owners should be fully involved in compensation process and as such given opportunity to be heard as well have their concerns acknowledged and addressed. The acquiring authority should adhere to compensation payment best practice criteria and the demand of approved building plan as criteria for compensation of any affected structure should be stop.


Compulsory acquisition, compensation, infrastructure, and process


IRE Journals:
Obineme,Chinaza Henry , Udobi, Alexander Nnamdi , Ifediora, Christian Osita "An Evaluation of Compensation Processes on Compulsorily Acquired Lands for Infrastructural Facilities in South East Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 8 2021 Page 23-32

Obineme,Chinaza Henry , Udobi, Alexander Nnamdi , Ifediora, Christian Osita "An Evaluation of Compensation Processes on Compulsorily Acquired Lands for Infrastructural Facilities in South East Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(8)