Agriculture and rural development in transition period in the Albania
  • Author(s): Lavdosh Lazemetaj
  • Paper ID: 1702588
  • Page: 11-12
  • Published Date: 07-02-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 8 February-2021

In 1990 Albania passed from an economical and social system centralized with full control from the part of the state in a free market capitalist system. Essentially in the field of economy was the transformation from a state property to a private property. This dictates the take of many reforms especially in the legislation field. One of the first laws with heavy weight was the law of year 1991,which had to do with the pass of the agricultural cooperatives in private property, also after this fundamental law of the reform in the agriculture were approved even other laws and other indispensable legal acts. All the changes brought a deep transformation for the character, trends, and tendencies of Albanian agriculture development.


IRE Journals:
Lavdosh Lazemetaj "Agriculture and rural development in transition period in the Albania" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 8 2021 Page 11-12

Lavdosh Lazemetaj "Agriculture and rural development in transition period in the Albania" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(8)