Effective Utilization of Waste Heat in Fuel Cell Stack
  • Author(s): Peram Chandra Sekhar Reddy
  • Paper ID: 1702582
  • Page: 86-96
  • Published Date: 30-01-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 7 January-2021

In the rapid transition of mobility sector from the internal combustion engines to electric mobility, two main ways in achieving this change are battery powered electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles. While both have their respective merits and demerits, this paper mainly focuses on fuel cell electric vehicle in the aspect of heat energy transfer from fuel cell to vehicle interior to keep it warm. One of the perks the FCEV has is its heat energy liberated while in operation but this is not the case in BEV . the heat thus liberated in fuel cell can be recovered and used to heat up the vehicle interior. So in this context this paper deals only with the heating but not the cooling in the climatic control inside the vehicle. In most cold countries heating is mainly considered than the cooling. In order to understand whether the heat energy generated by fuel cell is sufficient to keep the vehicle interior warm, it is required to understand the heat energy consumed by the vehicle and also amount of heat energy liberated in the fuel cell. So this paper gives you insights over these concepts in addition a transfer mechanism is designed for the heat transfer from fuel cell to interior of the vehicle. Viewers are advised to refer another textbook of thermodynamics to clearly understand the concept of heat energy liberated in the fuel cell


Fuel cell Electric vehicle, Heat energy , Battery electric vehicle, Vehicle interior heating, Utilization of waste heat


IRE Journals:
Peram Chandra Sekhar Reddy "Effective Utilization of Waste Heat in Fuel Cell Stack" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 7 2021 Page 86-96

Peram Chandra Sekhar Reddy "Effective Utilization of Waste Heat in Fuel Cell Stack" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(7)