In recent days we have been experiencing a lot of climatic changes as well as water shortfalls, resulting in an adverse effect on crops yield. In this paper we shall be discussing the technique to overcome these problems related to plantation. The technique called Hydroponics is briefly discussed in this paper. Also, Modern-day families are increasingly becoming an environmentally conscious and health conscious. People in urban areas are now adopting hydroponics — the method of growing plants without soil. Although clean eating caught the attraction of people a few years ago, this subset of hydro culture is a relatively new practice that’s finding prominence in neighborhoods across India as well as in some parts of India.
Hydroponic, pH range, greenhouse, polyhouses.
IRE Journals:
Chaitali Shinde , Prajakta Marathe
"Farming without soil in today’s era" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 7 2021 Page 24-27
Chaitali Shinde , Prajakta Marathe
"Farming without soil in today’s era" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(7)