Design and Analysis of Flexure Mechanism considering Precision Control Strategy
  • Author(s): Prasad V. Suryawanshi ; Arun B. Mali
  • Paper ID: 1702569
  • Page: 1-4
  • Published Date: 04-01-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 7 January-2021

Flexure mechanisms are the mechanisms that rely on material elasticity for their functionality and give the expected output with negligible error. The motion stage is moved with 1 mm of precise displacement with the help of an appropriate control strategy. The spiral flexure mechanisms are used with the angle of 120 degrees, 540 degrees, and 720 degrees and the results are compared in terms of stiffness and displacement. For minimum and precise motion of the motion stage; we attach the voice coil motor to the motion stage. The current has been provided to the voice coil motor with the help of the LCAM circuit. With the help of control desk software, we can give the required frequency and amplitude. The software is interfaced with the Dspace microcontroller which then supplies the signal to the LCAM and Voice coil motor to get the current from it. The results come from control desk software that is then interpolated with MATLAB software with position estimator algorithm. The results came from MATLAB compared with ANSYS results.


Flexure Mechanism, voice coil motor, MATLAB, ANSYS, optical Encoder, Spiral flexure mechanism, Dspace microcontroller, LCAM Circuit.


IRE Journals:
Prasad V. Suryawanshi , Arun B. Mali "Design and Analysis of Flexure Mechanism considering Precision Control Strategy" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 7 2021 Page 1-4

Prasad V. Suryawanshi , Arun B. Mali "Design and Analysis of Flexure Mechanism considering Precision Control Strategy" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(7)