Wireless technology is evolving in all areas of mobile and wireless communications and it is one of the fastest growing sectors. In the last decade, there has been a huge increase in wireless technology. The evolution of wireless technology now a day has been reached at 7.5 Generation (G). This paper focus on the literature survey to discuss the most popular wireless technologies with their features of several generations which are being commonly consider as 0G,1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G & 7G. We focus on the evolution and development of different generations of mobile wireless technology and their importance and benefits among others.
Mobile technology, Wireless technology, Generation, 7.5G
IRE Journals:
Rani P. Tidke , Pritee S. Uttarwar , Deepak S Dandwate , Umesh J. Tupe
"A Literature Review on: Wireless Technologies from 0G to 7G" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 6 2020 Page 59-64
Rani P. Tidke , Pritee S. Uttarwar , Deepak S Dandwate , Umesh J. Tupe
"A Literature Review on: Wireless Technologies from 0G to 7G" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(6)