A Critical Assessment of Posture-Related Musculoskeletal Injury on Welders
  • Author(s): D.O ISIOHIA
  • Paper ID: 1702563
  • Page: 65-70
  • Published Date: 31-12-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 6 December-2020

Musculoskeletal disorders cover a large percentage of occupational diseases; therefore, in order to protect welders from such disorders, there is need to evaluate their positions at work in different workplaces. The study assessed the state of ergonomics in all its ramifications of a welding workplace with focus on those musculoskeletal disorders that could be associated with working posture. Fifteen welding workplaces were investigated among which fifty (50) welders were examined. The questionnaire drawn from the checklist of suggested ergonomic questions was used for data collection and the posture analysis technique known as Exposure Assessment Method was equally employed to determine whether or not a welder uses postures likely to have adverse effects on health and productivity. Statistical tests were carried out using samples of workers and their facilities. The assessment shows that working posture is highly responsible for the onset of musculoskeletal disorders during welding. The result obtained in this study agrees with the already established fact (NIOSH, 1997), that interactions among other occupational risk factors such as workstation design, repetitive task, manual material handling, tool handle design and job/task design contribute to determining the type of posture adopted, which if maintained for a long period of time, lead to musculoskeletal injuries, poor quality of work and low productivity.


WMSD, Work posture, Exposure Assessment Method, CTDs, Ergonomics, BMI.


IRE Journals:
D.O ISIOHIA "A Critical Assessment of Posture-Related Musculoskeletal Injury on Welders" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 6 2020 Page 65-70

D.O ISIOHIA "A Critical Assessment of Posture-Related Musculoskeletal Injury on Welders" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(6)