The present investigation show that seasonal (spring, summer, autumn and winter) changes in haematological parameters in the blood variation cause immunological impairments in Catlacatla(surface dweller) Labeorohita (column dweller) Heteropneustesfossilis (bottom dweller ) The significant effect of temperature variation on haemoglobin % is observed in surface dweller (Catlacatla) during April, August, December and January Hb % 5.7±0.56, 3.3±0.70, 6.3±0.34, 5.9±0.81, column dweller (L. rohita) 2.3±0.98, 4.1±0.62, 5.8±0.55, 6.2±0.51 and bottom dweller (H. fossilis) 2.70±0.62, 4.50±0.11, 5.40±0.33, 5.70±0.55 respectively, which suggests that the haematological parameters change to counter temperature variation . If the biotic factor viz., temperature reaches extreme limits that result in serve physiological problems, ultimately leading to the death of fish.
Temperature, Hb %, Catlacatla, Labeorohita, Heteropneustesfossilis
IRE Journals:
Ashok Kumar , Anand Kumar Bajpeyee , C. B. Yadav
"Seasonal Alteration in Blood Parameters in Surface, Column & Bottom Dweller Fishes" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 6 2020 Page 7-9
Ashok Kumar , Anand Kumar Bajpeyee , C. B. Yadav
"Seasonal Alteration in Blood Parameters in Surface, Column & Bottom Dweller Fishes" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(6)