Before investing in a company, an investor will look into the firm values. The firm value becomes the crucial factor since they represent the reputation of the owners and the shareholders. This study aims to discover the effect of profitability, capital structure, and dividend policy on firm value. The purposive sampling was the method used in this study, and there were thirty-five of forty-five companies in LQ45 which met the determined criteria. The panel data regression with a controlled variable of the firm size, age, and growth was used to analyze data. The finding showed that profitability significantly and positively affects firm value. The capital structure did not influence the firm value, and the dividend policy had a negative, significant effect on the firm value.
firm value, profitability, capital structure, dividend policy
IRE Journals:
Susi Susilawati , Maria Suryaningsih
"Firm Value Analysis on Lq45 Companies in 2016-2017" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 5 2020 Page 36-43
Susi Susilawati , Maria Suryaningsih
"Firm Value Analysis on Lq45 Companies in 2016-2017" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(5)