ICT Solutions and R&D based on Big Data Analytics in the Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic: African Innovations and Opportunities
  • Author(s): Eze, P.C. ; Agwah, B.C. ; Aririguzo, M.I. ; Ugoh, C.A. ; Inaibo, D.S.
  • Paper ID: 1702464
  • Page: 123-145
  • Published Date: 02-09-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 2 August-2020

The rising cases of COVID-19 across the world has consequently elicited increasing demand for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions to support the world economy and keep people closer despite being physically separated due to the movement restrictions imposed by various national governments. This paper has examined the solutions that have been inevitably provided by ICT in the global action against the spread of the novel coronavirus including, Research and Development (R&D) engineered using Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) models, which are the basic tools of Big Data Analytics (BDA), with focus on African innovations and opportunities moving on. A review of various technologies, including the ones enabled by AI and ML that have been used or being developed to aid activities such as meetings, co-operation, monitoring and detection of people, diagnosis, drug identification, social care provision, teaching and learning, job interviews, businesses, security, and others around the world were presented. With the objective to provide motivation for government and policy makers in developing economies especially in Africa to rise to the present demand for the digitalization of their economy, which will accelerate R&D in ICT for sustainable development and realization of economic independence in post-COVID-19, the study has examined the strategic technological efforts in Africa to stem the wave of the virus, and moving forward based on the opportunities the pandemic has offered to the continent in the form of lessons, important suggestions have been offered.


Artificial intelligent, Big data analytics, COVID-19, ICT, Machine learning


IRE Journals:
Eze, P.C. , Agwah, B.C. , Aririguzo, M.I. , Ugoh, C.A. , Inaibo, D.S. "ICT Solutions and R&D based on Big Data Analytics in the Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic: African Innovations and Opportunities" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 2 2020 Page 123-145

Eze, P.C. , Agwah, B.C. , Aririguzo, M.I. , Ugoh, C.A. , Inaibo, D.S. "ICT Solutions and R&D based on Big Data Analytics in the Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic: African Innovations and Opportunities" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(2)