Education as a concept is so elastic in nature that it can be stretched to any extent. Thus, it has undergone a series of explanations in different contexts. In whatever context that is used, the end result is that it produces change or changes in whoever might have been affected by it. Education whether acquired advertently or inadvertently leads to behavioural modifications or changes to an extent either positively or negatively. In view of this, it is seen as the process of the impartation or transmission of knowledge. As used in this work, it is a process of the transmission of knowledge that is worthwhile to those who are committed to such knowledge and will in turn use such knowledge for their good and the betterment of society. Education is of different forms or types and the mode of transmission varies. Pragmatism as a component of philosophy emphasizes the practical style of its modus operandi. This makes the product to be practical in whatever field he or she will decide to acquire and pave way for a life of self-reliance. When this happens, the person will be able to contribute to the development of society (politically, socially, economically, etc.). this work therefore titled “Educating the self for economic viability” believes that if pragmatic principles are employed, the outcome will be that the individual will be able to take care of himself and contribute to the development of the economic sector. The work covers an introduction, conceptual framework, theoretical framework, and the relevance of the pragmatic form of education to economic viability.
Education, Economic Viability, Pragmatic Approach
IRE Journals:
Emeka Ategwu (Ph.D)
"Educating the Self for Economic Viability: A Pragmatic Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 2 2020 Page 152-158
Emeka Ategwu (Ph.D)
"Educating the Self for Economic Viability: A Pragmatic Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(2)