Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Using Angstrom Type Empirical Correlation
  • Author(s): Ogbaka, D.T ; Nuhu Richard
  • Paper ID: 1702437
  • Page: 132-135
  • Published Date: 06-08-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 1 July-2020

Solar radiation measurement for particular location plays vital role for solar system design. The measurement of solar radiation at every location is not available in Nigeria so that estimation of global solar radiation for particular location is an important factor in the solar energy field. For the estimation of solar radiation, the models are used in this paper. The calculated global solar radiation is in excellent agreement with the sunshine based model. The study explains the Angstrom - Prescott model is used to calculate the monthly average global solar irradiance.The calculated Angstrom constants a = 0.206 and b = 0.415 are found for this location. The statistical test results obtained are MPE = 0.472, MBE = 5.605 and RMSE = 7.930 was obtained. Results suggest that the model can be used for any location in the Northern hemisphere and can be utilized in the design and performance estimation of solar energy systems, which is gaining significant attention in Nigerian particular and the world at large.


Global solar radiation, Angstrom, Clearness Index, Correlation, Solar Energy.


IRE Journals:
Ogbaka, D.T , Nuhu Richard "Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Using Angstrom Type Empirical Correlation" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 1 2020 Page 132-135

Ogbaka, D.T , Nuhu Richard "Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Using Angstrom Type Empirical Correlation" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(1)