The whole world will have a portion of the syllabus for online classes even in the post COVID situation. Since it is a drastic change in education system, a survey was conducted to know the opinion about online classes from the students. This paper will highlight the behaviour of learning process of class room and online teaching from the student’s point of view. It is based on online teaching and tests conducted during last three months. It shows the student standpoint of view and also the future of education scenario in post COVID -19 periods. The survey was conducted by considering about 10 important parameters of online teaching. This paper also shows the comparison of marks of class room test and online test for the same subject for same students. It points the need for some drastic change that are required to make online classes more effective during and post COVID scenario.
IRE Journals:
Jayaram A S
"Student Survey regarding on-line classes during and post Covid-19 period" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 1 2020 Page 62-66
Jayaram A S
"Student Survey regarding on-line classes during and post Covid-19 period" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(1)