Preparation of Biomass Briquettes from Corncob and Uncarbonized Rice Residues
  • Author(s): Senchi, D.S ; Kofa, I.D
  • Paper ID: 1702411
  • Page: 33-39
  • Published Date: 10-07-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 4 Issue 1 July-2020

The selection of agro-waste briquettes for domestic and industrial cottage application depends on the fuel properties such as proximate and combustion characteristics. This work investigated the physiochemical properties of the briquettes produced from corncob and un-carbonized rice husk residues, with the aim to ascertain there rationality and fuel efficiency. A simple fabricated briquetting machine was used for densification. The results indicated that briquettes produced from these agro-wastes would make a good biomass fuel. However, results showed that corn cob briquettes has more positive attributes of biomass fuel compared to rice husk briquettes, this could be as the result of low moisture content of 2.0%, moderate ash content of 2.5%,high volatile matter of 12.0%, and high viability properties of the briquettes which helps in combustion, transportation and storage.


Rice husk, agricultural residue, biomass densification, Binder, Briquettes


IRE Journals:
Senchi, D.S , Kofa, I.D "Preparation of Biomass Briquettes from Corncob and Uncarbonized Rice Residues " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 1 2020 Page 33-39

Senchi, D.S , Kofa, I.D "Preparation of Biomass Briquettes from Corncob and Uncarbonized Rice Residues " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(1)