Physiochemical and Combustion Properties of Briquettes Produced From Rice husk and Corncob Admixture
  • Author(s): Senchi, D.S ; Elinge, C.M
  • Paper ID: 1702395
  • Page: 231-236
  • Published Date: 04-07-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 12 June-2020

In an effort to reduce the emission of gasses and provide an affordable firewood alternative to the rural household in Nigeria, this research was carried out to analyze some properties of bio-briquettes made from carbonize rice husk and corn cob. Briquettes were prepared at moderate pressure and ambient temperature using a simple extruder briquetting machine. Different briquette samples were produced by blending varying percentage of the biomass materials in the ratio of 100:0, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. The results of the proximate analysis shows that the corn cob has a higher moisture content, fixed carbon than the rice husk briquette but lower ash content and volatile matter. As the proportion of the corn cob increases, the moisture content, ash content and volatile matter also increases while there is slight decrease in fixed carbon. The viability properties results shows that corncob briquette has a higher density and compressive strength than the rice husk briquette and as the proportions of the corn cob increases, the density and the compressive strength also increases except at ratio 50:50 were a slight drop was observed. Combustion results show that the rice husk briquette has significantly higher ignition time and lower afterglow time. As the proportion of corncob increases, there is a slight decrease in the ignition time, afterglow time and calorific value of the admixture briquettes. The combustibility test results ranges from 18mins to 22mins to boil 2litres of water while it took kerosene stove 16mins to boil the same quantity of water. These properties show a slight decrease as the blend ratio increases.


briquettes, density, relaxation, durability, binder Ratio


IRE Journals:
Senchi, D.S , Elinge, C.M "Physiochemical and Combustion Properties of Briquettes Produced From Rice husk and Corncob Admixture" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 12 2020 Page 231-236

Senchi, D.S , Elinge, C.M "Physiochemical and Combustion Properties of Briquettes Produced From Rice husk and Corncob Admixture" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(12)