The drugs which stimulates the digestive fire called as Deepaniya Dravyas. These drugs are mainly carminative. Because of carminative property helps to facilitate the digestion of the food and drug action. The drugs of this group are Ushna(Hot in potency) and Katu(Spicy in nature), Uttejaka(Stimulant) and Teekshna(Penetrative) action. Therefore it is contraindicated pregnancy, puerperal period, constipation, haemorrhoids, history of abortions, Pittaja Vikaras(Diseases of Pitta Dosha). Acharya Charaka mentioned the Deepaniya group of drugs Viz; Pippali, Pippalimoola, Chavya, Chitraka, Shringavera(Ardraka), Amlavetasa, Maricha, Ajamoda, Bhallatakasthi, Hingu Niryasa. These drugs are predominant of Vayu and Agni Mahabhutas. The Vayu Mahabhuta helps to stimulate the digestive fire whereas the Agni Mahabhuta hels to digests the food. The Deepana and Pachana are have one action but different stages. Therefore Acharya Charaka has not mentioned the separate group of Paachaniya Dravyas. Here an attempt is made to highlight the pharmacological actions and therapeutic applications. Such drugs which can be used as appetite stimulant as well as nutritional deficiencies.
Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, Deepana, Chandra Nighantu, Bhavaprkasha Nighantu, Madanapala Nighantu, etc.
IRE Journals:
Dr. Umakant N. Rabb
"Pharmacotherapeutics of Deepaniya Dravyas (Appetizers / Stomachics / Digestive Drugs) - A Literary Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 12 2020 Page 200-206
Dr. Umakant N. Rabb
"Pharmacotherapeutics of Deepaniya Dravyas (Appetizers / Stomachics / Digestive Drugs) - A Literary Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(12)