• Author(s): Ogwata, C.M ; Amechi, M.C
  • Paper ID: 1702389
  • Page: 191-194
  • Published Date: 29-06-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 12 June-2020

Designing a digital notice board for remote access requires high reliability count. More so when that display board is used for hazard alert and possible information on escape route, then the reliability of the system has to be well accounted for taking into account all the factors involved otherwise the system constitute a hazard itself. In this work first off, a microcontroller and a GSM modem had been used to develop a digital notice board which can be accessed remotely by SMS. A method to account for the reliability of such system was also proposed and live test were conducted to determine the reliability of the system. A reliability test performed on the system based on the two reliability measures considered “efficiency and reliability” and the result of the two devices used (SIM 300 and GSM Modem) shows that both can be used to implement the system for remote access but SIM 300 with 79% efficiency Score was preferable for the implementation of the system against mobile phone with 72% efficiency, but the efficiency and certainty of both can be improved with a better signal quality.


GSM, Efficiency, Certainty, Signal Strength, Modem.


IRE Journals:
Ogwata, C.M , Amechi, M.C "REMOTE ACCESS DIGITAL NOTICE BOARD FOR HAZARD ALERT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 12 2020 Page 191-194

Ogwata, C.M , Amechi, M.C "REMOTE ACCESS DIGITAL NOTICE BOARD FOR HAZARD ALERT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(12)