Review Paper On Load Transfer Mechanism For Steel Concrete Joint
  • Author(s): Pournima A. Dongre
  • Paper ID: 1702378
  • Page: 166-169
  • Published Date: 25-06-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 12 June-2020

To look into the load switch mechanism of the metal-concrete hybrid pylon joint with cells and bearing plates, a theoreticalmodel primarily based on the non-stop elastic interlayer method become established. Both the slip effect at the metal-concrete interface and thenearby compression effect of the bearing plate were considered within the proposed theoretical model. A section model take a look at with a 1 : 3 scale became executed to acquire the strain distribution of the hybrid joint and the relative slip between metallic and concrete additives. Finite detail analysis became implemented on the tested section model, and the structural performance of the tested hybrid joint was compared with the FEA results. +e check and evaluation results show that the strain of metallic and concrete components is at a decrease level, and the relative slip between metal and concrete components is extraordinarily limited. +e bearing plates and shear connectors are the 2 load-transferring additives and could switch 40% and 60% of the vertical force into the decrease concrete pylon, respectively.The influence of torsion on joint behavior was insignificant. It was also shown that approximately 65% of the overallforce transferred through the steel–concrete joint was in the form of compression effects between the bearing steel plate and UHPC, and that the remaining 35% force was dispersed via shear connectors.


Load Transfer Mechanism, Eccentricity, Concrete, Loading Schemes


IRE Journals:
Pournima A. Dongre "Review Paper On Load Transfer Mechanism For Steel Concrete Joint" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 12 2020 Page 166-169

Pournima A. Dongre "Review Paper On Load Transfer Mechanism For Steel Concrete Joint" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(12)