Flooding is a natural phenomenon which has attracted global attention as a result of its negative impact on the society. Developing nations such as India have been predicted to experience increased flood occurrences in the coming decade. The events of flooding are unlikely to change, however, its impact on our society can be very well reduced. There are some places that are more prone to flooding than other places, the implementation of flood alert systems near any major water area or body of water provides critical information that can protect property and save lives. Hence we are designing this project to inform the people about the upcoming flood by making use of the concept of Internet of Things. For that purpose we are going to use an android Application to intimate the users. This Project focuses on providing early detection of flooding and the measures to minimise and avoid floods. The system involves the deployment of sensor nodes at specific flood vulnerable locations for real-time flood monitoring and detection. Flood events relating to flash flooding and run-off water or overflow are successfully monitored in real time which saves individuals plenty of time to prepare against predicted flood occurrence, saving them from the aftermath of flood disaster.
Arduino, Android, BLYNK IOT, ESP8266 Wifi Module, Moisture Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor
IRE Journals:
M. Shoyeb Sultan Sayyad , Pooja Surve , Nazim Shaikh , Mansi Gharat , Priya Tambe
"IOT Based Early Flood Detection and Avoidance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 12 2020 Page 50-55
M. Shoyeb Sultan Sayyad , Pooja Surve , Nazim Shaikh , Mansi Gharat , Priya Tambe
"IOT Based Early Flood Detection and Avoidance" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(12)