Water deprivation has been more and more a day, creating unknown problems. The water quality control program techniques include a group of water tests from diverse sites. In the laboratory these water trials are tried using laborious skills. Those tactics are expensive and time overriding. The grown-up process of detecting water from old days developed into time overriding, poor accuracy and expensive. A low-cost water quality control system is intended to refer out the above problems. In this proposed method, different sensors monitor the water samples which contain pH, temperature and conductivity to communicate data via a microcontroller computer. Any of certain criteria can be fulfilled by this water quality program. And different technologies such form GSM (Global Mobile Communication System) can be used. A GSM digitizes, decreases the information and has a mobile communication modem
Internet of Things (IOT), GSM, Sensors, Quality, Arduino
IRE Journals:
N. Rajashree , Y. Sai Nithisha , Shaik Shaheen , P. Govardhan
"An IOT Approach for Monitoring Aqua Culture Using GSM Module" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 284-288
N. Rajashree , Y. Sai Nithisha , Shaik Shaheen , P. Govardhan
"An IOT Approach for Monitoring Aqua Culture Using GSM Module" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)