Increasing rates of rice and cowpea production has helped in food sufficiency and sustainability in Nigeria. Handling and processing of these grain crops remain major problems in agricultural production chain and require urgent attention from stakeholders. Hence, this research focused on the determination of some grain properties that could enhance the design of crop processing machines. The outcome of the dimensional analysis showed that for optimum performance of the threshing machine the screen diameter must not be more than 3.66 mm and 6.44 mm for rice and cowpea respectively. For the two grain crops the rubber material recorded the highest coefficient of friction followed by wood while galvanize iron and mild steel had the least coefficient of friction to the grains. The terminal velocities of 6.54 m/s and 13.95 m/s were recorded for rice and cowpea grain respectively. This is due to the values of the projected area of the grains which are 5.23 and 43.70 mm2 for rice and cowpea respectively, which directly affected the drag coefficient drag the grains. For rice, the mean rupture force for the major and intermediate axis was 35.404 N and 88.756 N respectively. The mean deflection for the major and the intermediate axis was determined to be 0.363 mm and 0.118 mm respectively. The mean rupture energy for the major and the intermediate was determined to be 0.010 Nm and 0.005 Nm respectively. Similarly, forcowpea, the mean rupture force for the major and intermediate axis was 60.634 N and 59.576 N respectively. The mean deflection for the major and the intermediate axis was determined to be 0.708 mm and 0.702 mm respectively. The mean rupture energy for the major and the intermediate was determined to be 0.024 Nm and 0.022 Nm respectively
Aerodynamic, agricultural, crop processing, optimum performance, production
IRE Journals:
Babatunde Oluwamayokun SOYOYE
"Determination of Some Properties of Rice and Cowpea In Relation to Thresher Design" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 242-248
Babatunde Oluwamayokun SOYOYE
"Determination of Some Properties of Rice and Cowpea In Relation to Thresher Design" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)