Collective bargaining is the life wire of industrial democracy. A proper understanding of the laws regulating the interactions between human beings in the workplace is germane to the smooth running of organisations both in the public and private sectors. This is because of the important role of workers in contributing to socio-economic well-being and progress while also promoting industrial peace, harmony and peaceful co-existence within and outside the world of work. It is against this background that this paper is developed. It looks at the whole web of issues revolving around collective bargaining in the private and public sector in Nigeria, legal framework of collective bargaining, roles of parties and procedures for dispute resolution. Recommendations made would transform the Nigerian industrial relations system and enhance industrial harmony
Collective Bargaining, Dispute, Employer, Employee, Industrial Relations
IRE Journals:
Ebong, Edem Asuquo , Ndum, Victor Etim
"Collective Bargaining and the Nigerian Industrial Relations System-Conceptual Underpinnings" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 132-139
Ebong, Edem Asuquo , Ndum, Victor Etim
"Collective Bargaining and the Nigerian Industrial Relations System-Conceptual Underpinnings" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)