Fourteen shallow groundwater samples were collected from Ajakanga and environs, Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria in order to assess the health implications of the concentration of nitrate andEscherichia coli in the water. The samples were collected into sterile disposable universal bottles and were transported to the laboratory for the coliform detection and isolation of microorganisms within 24–48 hours of collection.The total bacterial in some locations were too numerous to count. However, among those that were within enumeration region, the sample with lowest bacterial load has 12cfu/ml. The most portable numberdetermination for coliform count showed that the water samples contain coliform bacteria within the range of 2–6 coliform counts. The pure culture were all gram negative, rod shape and slender. Generally, nitrate concentration in the shallow groundwater was low ranging from 0.12mg/l to 2.12mg/l compared to the World Health Organization guidelines for portable drinking water of 50mg/l. Soils in unfertilized lands are potential sources of nitrate due to the activity of nitrifying bacteria. The NO3 concentration in the water can therefore be attributed to natural sources. The Escherichia coligrowth count in the shallow water of Ajakanga and environs, is moderate(4 to10) in most of the locations, scanty (3)and nil.E. coli in the water is attributed to anthropogenic activities.The presence ofE.coli has a significant health risks and can cause diseases such as typhoid, diarrhea and infantile paralysis, when water is used for drinking, personal hygiene, recreation or food processing.
Shallow groundwater, Ajakanga, Escherichia coli, Nitrate, Contamination
IRE Journals:
Roland Anthony Isibor , Joseph Ayofe Aderogbin
"Assessment of Nitrate and Escherichia coli Contamination of Shallow Groundwater of Ajakanga and Environs, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 108-118
Roland Anthony Isibor , Joseph Ayofe Aderogbin
"Assessment of Nitrate and Escherichia coli Contamination of Shallow Groundwater of Ajakanga and Environs, Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)