In the present study, a novel compact antenna system for SISO application is proposed for variety of bands (L, S and C bands). The novelty of the proposed SISO antenna system is, though the resonators are physically separated by a distance of 0.029? (? is the free space wavelength at 5.8 GHz) equal to the thickness of the substrate (1.524 mm) used for the fabrication of the SISO system possesses good pattern diversity and polarization diversity with improved isolation without the use of any isolation enhancement techniques. Antenna system, the mutual coupling between them is acceptable. Moreover it is acceptable for different applications like GPS, Wi-Fi, and satellite communication.
Novel compact antenna; Single Input Single Output (SISO); L, S and Bands; Mutual coupling
IRE Journals:
K Mohana Madhu Vamsi , A Sravana Venkat , B Pavan Kalyan , G Vinod Kumar
"SISO Antenna with and Polarization Diversity for Pattern WLAN, GPS and Satellite Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 43-46
K Mohana Madhu Vamsi , A Sravana Venkat , B Pavan Kalyan , G Vinod Kumar
"SISO Antenna with and Polarization Diversity for Pattern WLAN, GPS and Satellite Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)