Research Paper on Hydraulic Ram Pump
  • Author(s): Akshay Kherde ; Ankush Kadaskar ; Ekansh Dhoble ; Mithun Gawal; Tushar Bawankar ; Tushar Chavan; Navneet Singh
  • Paper ID: 1702252
  • Page: 282-284
  • Published Date: 26-04-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 10 April-2020

A hydraulic ram pump is based on non-conventional source of energy and it is renewable energy source. It does not require electricity, does not require any motor, any battery, any generator, etc. for their operation. It works on water pressure and initial air pressure. Potential energy of water is converted into kinetic energy and then this kinetic energy is rather converted into pressure energy.Water is not easily available in hilly region and it is difficult to bring water from long distances. To bring water to this region easily it requires electricity or other external sources which pumps water to a certain height. This project is a modification of commercially available hydraulic ram pumps which does not require any external source of energy to pump water. This project also be used in domestic purpose to lift water upto a height of 20 feet and make it easy to bring water from long distances without any difficulties. This project is very useful in those rural areas where there is distribution of electricity is not proper.


IRE Journals:
Akshay Kherde , Ankush Kadaskar , Ekansh Dhoble , Mithun Gawal; Tushar Bawankar , Tushar Chavan; Navneet Singh "Research Paper on Hydraulic Ram Pump" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 10 2020 Page 282-284

Akshay Kherde , Ankush Kadaskar , Ekansh Dhoble , Mithun Gawal; Tushar Bawankar , Tushar Chavan; Navneet Singh "Research Paper on Hydraulic Ram Pump" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(10)