A Review on Cloud Mart
  • Author(s): Vikrant Chole ; Deepa Kirtonia ; Bhakti Ingole ; Shubham Raut ; Kajal Bombarde; Rohini Abhyankar
  • Paper ID: 1702225
  • Page: 205-208
  • Published Date: 20-04-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 10 April-2020

Our intention is to make a offline portal for small vendors, here we had a proprietor who had bulk and tons of products had been the supplier supply the goods to many vendors so they had the little more blessings just like the over online portals . Retail consists of the sale of goods or products from a fixed location, which include a department store, boutique or by way of mail, in small or man or woman lots for direct intake by the purchase. Retailing may include subordinate services, such as delivery. We are making a portal for small vendors and retailers ,here we are thinking for better shopping culture, via getting little more profit for small vendors and for store also. Here we are able to make a portal for the accountable for the gathering of sale amount for the advertising of the Small venders so that they can earn good enough just like the e commerce The massive position is of, who is investing on this business, and also who is helping for this that may be the small venders and retailers also..


Admin , Shopkeeper, Variety of Product, Portals


IRE Journals:
Vikrant Chole , Deepa Kirtonia , Bhakti Ingole , Shubham Raut , Kajal Bombarde; Rohini Abhyankar "A Review on Cloud Mart" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 10 2020 Page 205-208

Vikrant Chole , Deepa Kirtonia , Bhakti Ingole , Shubham Raut , Kajal Bombarde; Rohini Abhyankar "A Review on Cloud Mart" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(10)