Review Of Flexural And Fatigue Test On Rigid Pavements Constructed By NRM Concrete
  • Author(s): Prasad B. Bhatmare ; Shubham C. Kusale ; Rohan A.Talasandekar ; Amol B. Sawant
  • Paper ID: 1702198
  • Page: 163-166
  • Published Date: 15-04-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 10 April-2020

This paper deals with the comparative study of Flexural and Fatigue Test on Rigid Pavements Constructed partially replacing the Cement by neutralized red mud. During cement, manufacturing process tremendous emission of airborne pollution in form of dust, gases, noise & vibrations takes place, which damages Environment and the excessive amount of CO2 emissions during cement manufacturing directed in atmosphere causes the global warming. Therefore, there is, need to find the replacement of the Cement. Massive amount of red mud obtained from Bayer’s process during the production of alumina. The huge quantity of red mud production requires a safe disposal and large areas for disposal. This red mud creates environmental problems as well as the deposing cost the red mud is also high and very much difficult. So that, we decided that using the red mud as a replacement to the cement. It is much needed for the environment and making the construction cost lesser by using it.


Flexural, Fatigue, rigid pavement, neutralized red mud, cement, environmental problems


IRE Journals:
Prasad B. Bhatmare , Shubham C. Kusale , Rohan A.Talasandekar , Amol B. Sawant "Review Of Flexural And Fatigue Test On Rigid Pavements Constructed By NRM Concrete" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 10 2020 Page 163-166

Prasad B. Bhatmare , Shubham C. Kusale , Rohan A.Talasandekar , Amol B. Sawant "Review Of Flexural And Fatigue Test On Rigid Pavements Constructed By NRM Concrete" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(10)