Soldier Health And Position Tracking System
  • Author(s): G Navya ; Ch China Meerabi ; K Priyanka ; Ch Sai Priya
  • Paper ID: 1702179
  • Page: 116-120
  • Published Date: 13-04-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 10 April-2020

In enemy territory soldiers not only have to deal with the physical threat, but also with stress and fatigue caused by protracted operations or lack of sleep. So for the security purpose we need a tool for remote soldier performance and health monitoring. So in this project a tool is implemented using biosensors for health monitoring purpose. Also a GPS system is used in order to track the location of soldier. Additionally a GSM modem is also used to make the system wirelessly compatible. Any abnormalities in the readings of wireless body area sensor network (WBASNs) is considered as a trigger for GSM to establish the connection between the soldier and base unit and send current location and health status to the receiver. By using all this equipment we had tried to implement the basic guarding system for the soldier in low cost, light weighted, portable and precise device


IRE Journals:
G Navya , Ch China Meerabi , K Priyanka , Ch Sai Priya "Soldier Health And Position Tracking System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 10 2020 Page 116-120

G Navya , Ch China Meerabi , K Priyanka , Ch Sai Priya "Soldier Health And Position Tracking System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(10)