An accident black spot is a term used in road safety management to denote a place where road traffic accidents have historically been concentrated. It has been estimated that over 30,000 persons die and over 10 to 15 million persons are injured every single year in road accidents throughout the world. Nowadays the accidents are very serious issue for the nation, it causes damage for human life?s and also property damage. The present work deals with the study ofNANTHOOR junction (accident prone location) in Mangalore city by collecting past Five-year First Investigation Reports from Mangalore City Police station and analysed to find the major causes for accidents. The various parameter which causes for accidents are studied and the engineering mitigating measures are proposed to resolve accident prone location or Block Spot.
Black Spot, Engineering, Enforcing, Educating, Nanthoor Junction Mitigation Measure
IRE Journals:
K P Deepdarshan , Kushnappa K , Arpitha H K
"A Case Study Of Black Spot At Nanthoor Junction, Mangalore And Proposal Of Mitigation Measures" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 10 2020 Page 74-80
K P Deepdarshan , Kushnappa K , Arpitha H K
"A Case Study Of Black Spot At Nanthoor Junction, Mangalore And Proposal Of Mitigation Measures" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(10)