Online Energy Measurement Of Smart Energy Meter Using Advanced Technology
  • Author(s): Mr. R. Ruban Raja ; Ms. S. Shobana ; Ms. R. Esaithendral ; Ms. T. Gangothiri
  • Paper ID: 1702134
  • Page: 52-58
  • Published Date: 06-04-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 10 April-2020

The vast developmental changes that are overtaking the world, energy is the most basic utility required and so monitoring and controlling of energy consumption is a major priority and doing this starting at the domestic level is the best solution. The Existing domestic Energy meter reading systems universally has many problems, such as difficulty in construction, too narrow bandwidth, poor real time, no quick two way communications etc. Thus, a smart meter is proposed based on the wireless technology. Our Energy meter is an advanced meter that measures consumption of electrical energy providing additional compared to a conventional energy meter as well as it is used for power theft identification. Integration of smart meters into electricity grid involves implementation of variety of techniques and software. Design of an energy meter depends on the requirements of the utility company as well as the customer. Further, this system enables equal power management from the central server?s side and minimizes power shut downs. With this smart energy meter, the user can also be notified about the energy consumption at regular interval through GSM. The proposed system also helps in detecting power theft.


IRE Journals:
Mr. R. Ruban Raja , Ms. S. Shobana , Ms. R. Esaithendral , Ms. T. Gangothiri "Online Energy Measurement Of Smart Energy Meter Using Advanced Technology" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 10 2020 Page 52-58

Mr. R. Ruban Raja , Ms. S. Shobana , Ms. R. Esaithendral , Ms. T. Gangothiri "Online Energy Measurement Of Smart Energy Meter Using Advanced Technology" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(10)