In India agriculture is the main occupation on which the economy is ruling. Indian agriculture has seen a lot of changes in its structure. India, predominantly an agricultural economy, has healthy signs of transformation in agriculture and allied activities. India has seen agriculture as a precious tool of economic development as other sectors of production depend on it. Efficient backward and forward integration with agriculture has led to globally competitive production systems in terms of cost and quality. The present study brings out the past and present scenario of agricultural marketing prevailing in India, its challenges and future recommendations. It covers the function performed in the marketing process of agro produce, the functionaries involved, problems in agricultural marketing in developing countries when compared to the developed countries and the reforms required to rectify the problems.
Adaptability, Academics, Continuity
IRE Journals:
Shubham Kabre
"Agriculture Marketing (Marketing With Concern Of Indian Agriculture Sector)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 9 2020 Page 164-165
Shubham Kabre
"Agriculture Marketing (Marketing With Concern Of Indian Agriculture Sector)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(9)