The ultimate parameter, upon which every rotating electric machine is scaled is its performance characteristics, which includes; the output torque, output power, angular speed, power factor and efficiency. Obviously, the output characteristics of all conventional transfer field effect machines are much inferior to that of conventional induction machines of comparable sizes and ratings. This is a consequence of their low direct axis reactance to quadrature axis reactance ratio, coupled with the excessive leakage reactance from the quadrature axis reactance. This is because they possess projected rotor pole structures. An analysis of the afore-mentioned, using dynamic/steady state models is the subject matter of this work. This is achieved by transformation of the machine?s parametric equations in a-b-c reference frame to arbitrary q-d-o reference frame, from which its equivalent circuit/matlab simulation/plots were obtained.
Transfer field motor, reference frame, dynamic/steady-state model, equivalent circuit.
IRE Journals:
Obute K. C. , Olufolahan Oduyemi , Eleanya M.N , Anionovo U.E
"A Novel Three-Phase Transfer Field Reluctance Motor - An Evaluation Of Its Performance Characteristics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 9 2020 Page 242-255
Obute K. C. , Olufolahan Oduyemi , Eleanya M.N , Anionovo U.E
"A Novel Three-Phase Transfer Field Reluctance Motor - An Evaluation Of Its Performance Characteristics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(9)