Paper industries and Cardboard is growing with the everyday increase of their product?s usage around the world. To deal with the demand of building material in construction field and to reuse the waste cardboard, innovative composite concrete mix is manufactured by replacing aggregate with the waste cardboard pulp. Present study is depends on investigation of compressive strength of concrete by using partial replacement of waste cardboard material. To determine strength of concrete compressive testing machine is used. The main objective of this research is to investigate the best mix proportion of cardboard performing comparative analysis of three different mix proportions. From the result, it is found that by adding 25% of cardboard got efficient result.
waste cardboard, compressive strength
IRE Journals:
Diksha Alone , Gangotri Meshram , Pallavi Ekare
"An Experimental Investigation Of Compressive Strength On Concrete By Using Waste Cardboard" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 9 2020 Page 54-58
Diksha Alone , Gangotri Meshram , Pallavi Ekare
"An Experimental Investigation Of Compressive Strength On Concrete By Using Waste Cardboard" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(9)