The study sought to examine the availability and utilization of information and communication technology in data analysis: The university experience. For the study, two objectives and research questions were posited to guide the study and the study adopted the descriptive survey design of the ex-post facto type and the population comprised 3, 217 respondents drawn from two universities (the University of Calabar and Cross River University of Technology) and a sample of 322 respondents which depict 10% of the population. For ease of data collection, a structured questionnaire titled Availability and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology and Data Analysis Questionnaire (AUICTDAQ). The instrument was subject to expert corrections in the field of Educational measurement and evaluation and library and information sciences respectively and the inputs, corrections and modification of the instrument were done before data collection. The instrument was trial tested using split-half reliability and the coefficient of internal consistency ranged from .87 to .93 accordingly indicating that the instrument was valid and reliable for data collection. The statistical analysis used for data analysis are the simple percentage and bar charts. From the data analysis, it was found that for the availability of ICT facilities in data analysis majority of the respondents 312 ( 98.42%), 310 (97.79 %) and 274 85.80% agreed that Statistical Analysis Software (SAS), Microsoft Excel and Statistical package for social sciences are available to them when analyzing data however, 309 (97.48%), 305, 96.21 and 269 84.86% dominated the study Python, R and Tableau ICT facilities are not available to the in data analysis. Also, the finding of how are ICT facilities utilised in data analysis among graduate students as shown in Table 2. 305 (96.21), 297 (93.69%) and 293 (92.43%) strongly said that they utilized Microsoft Excel, Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) and Statistical Package for Social Sciences in data analysis while 309 (97.48%), 298 (94.01%) and 275 (86.75%) said that they do not utilised R, Tableau and Python ICT software in data analysis. It was concluded that as university teachers, the availability and utilization of information and communication technology can foster teachers/students' quest for knowledge advancement in all ramifications there is a need for skillful practices in data analysis which can maximally be achieved through quality ICT skills. It was however recommended that the government should provide ICT facilities (software) to all tertiary institutions at affordable prices for students to be well equipped with the training skills rudiment for enhance skills in data analysis.
Availability And Utilization, Information and Communication, Data Analysis & University Experience
IRE Journals:
IYISHU Victoria A. , EYONG Emmanuel Ikpi , EFFIOM, Okoi Asuquo
"Availability and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology in Data Analysis: The University Experience" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 9 2020 Page 260-268
IYISHU Victoria A. , EYONG Emmanuel Ikpi , EFFIOM, Okoi Asuquo
"Availability and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology in Data Analysis: The University Experience" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(9)